Sunday, August 5, 2007

Jason O'Brien and the Chill Pill

To Jason O'Brien,

You do not speak for us, you opened your gate and spoke for the dictatorial policies of Peter Beattie and Anna Bligh

What really gets up my nose is you Johnny come lately who don't have a clue what the people want.

Except for the Carpetbaggers who built the high rise Hotels and Apartments with the aid of the Law made in Queensland State Parliament you should know a few facts mate.

Cairns people have ALWAYS had empathy with people in our hinterland. All the surrounding area from Tully North, right out to the Gulf, contains people related by birth, marriage, friendship or business, and the sooner you get that through your skull the better.

  • We the people paid for all the infrastructure prior to the State Government destruction of our Council Autonomy.
  • We all stand up and are counted when Tourism Carpetbaggers blackmail our businesses for illegal commissions.
  • We all stand up and support one another when we see our beloved hillsides disappearing under the bulldozers.
  • We all bleed when we see beautiful places like Port Douglas turned into a replica of the Gold Coast.
  • We are all upset when we see our Heritage torn down and burned like the Cairns Harbour Board Building and the irreplaceable buildings where the Casino now stands. The last heritage buildings on the waterfront are earmarked for demolition next year despite them being historically over 100 years old and still living treasures.
  • The CAIRNS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Is owned by the ratepayers of Cairns and all those people in the North who supported it since 1908. It was usurped by the State Government in 1988 when they formed the Cairns Port Authority.
  • When the State Government borrowed millions of dollars from Suncorp, they came up with the idea to pay them back by taking our land in Cairns in a trade off. The Trade off became Cairns Central. Where did the $100 million go? - Brisbane of course.
  • The State Government continues to sell off school land in our area to pay for infrastructure in Brisbane.
  • The first outrage against the people of Cairns was when the Hilton Hotel was built, on land under the control of the Harbour Board, against the wishes of the ratepayers of our city and the hinterland.and the State Government rode rough shod over us. The Minister at the time ended up one month short of jail when he died prematurely.
  • Thereafter the gates opened and the Carpetbaggers proceeded to blot out the morning sun with their high Rise Buildings, the rot still persists with ugly concrete edifices such as Harbour Lights ad nausea.
  • The State Government allowed people like Christopher Skase to exploit Port Douglas.
  • Kevin Byrnes does not believe in Heritage. He is damned by his objections to the Heritage Listing of the Cairns Aquatic Club.
  • Kevin Byrnes has continued to get into bed with the Carpetbaggers and so he could do it without the overview of the ratepayers he formed the elite Star Chamber called Advance Cairns which he treats as his own milking cow. They also objected to the Heritage listing.
  • Rather than an amalgamation of Councils we should be calling for a Royal Commission to root out the causes of the long suffering ratepayers and people of the North at the hands of the State Government and the Cairns City Council.
  • What is required is a REFERENDUM by the people of the State.
  • What is required is for the Federal Government to pass Legislation legitimising and recognising the role of Councils across Australia.
  • KEVIN RUDD said he would look into this.
He has to do MORE than LOOK.

Rob Williams j.p. Qual.ALA.
President Cairns Jazz Club Inc
Chairman Cairns Heritage Group
28 Lake Placid Road
Caravonica Qld 4878

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